Tuesday 10 January 2012

Because, giving up is easy, the strong does not opt for an easy route.

Procrastination is a bitch.
A phenomenon that almost everyone faces.

Barely a month into 2012, challenges popped up simultaneously. And, I kind of broke down yesterday. Crying does not solve the problem anyway. So, we have to take concrete actions precisely that! No point sitting still, or emotionally affected or talk talk talk, and not do! This is cliche but thats the truth. And no, truth does not hurt. It does not hurt, only if you have been through tougher season than this. We say when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. But how many people truly understand what this phrase means? It takes infinite period for a person to be wise and a wise to understand the profound/in depth meaning of the phrases. Guidances may seem simple, sometimes short. But thats only the superficial level. you have to go in deeper, feel for it, apply it and do it.

Things are simple initially, but cause we are humans with complex brain nerves, cells and other functions that make things... complicated and not so simple.

Though we are now all aware of the challenges Chingay posed to us, we cant deny that Chingay is really an avenue for us to enjoy, a short escapade away from our other problems. And, Im happy that I have not make the wrong move and friends are around to encourage me take up the role as a trainer. It is indeed a different perspective, and in fact, a better stepping stone to touch the obstacles. I have joined NDP, YOG, CHINGAY as participants, but none of these past events invoked a huge impact on me i.e. less degree challenges. In conclusion then was that, I didnt really truthfully gained much from them. But of course, good fortune kindly accumulates little by little as I go for the trainings and overcoming small little challenges. NOW, as a trainer, I am able to see even bigger challenges, and with my studies, other gakkai activities, friends, family, outside commitments on the other few hands. Its tough to juggle all. All in all, be happy to have challenges, because its only when humans are faced with bigger issue that we start to expand our life-force and have greater growth. For example, Singapore then and now. The growth is clearly evident. From a fishing village till now. And challenges will not stop here for us. It will only gets greater, bigger and then much bigger. It requires a humongous determination to consistently reminding ourselves to not give up. Because, giving up is easy, the strong does not opt for an easy route.

Will go for a half year mugging and chionging period. See you in June :)

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