Tuesday 13 December 2011


hellyeah, I have! how awesome is that :D

And, in a blink of eyes, 2011 gonna be over soon... That means, the most dreaded big big examinations' round the corner. But before that, many jolly events gonna unleash itself infront of us or me at least. Christmas! New year! Chinese new year! friends' 21st! and maybe valentines day? lol Ya' know, I cant wait to get new pieces of clothes :P despite the overflowing wardrobe and me having to 'borrow' my mum's closet to hold my stuff. hiakhiak she's ranting, everyday she steps into her room and spot those clothes hanging around and inside her closet. HAHHAHA told ya, i need a closet revamp. BIGGER CLOSET. but somehow, I just dont wear prettily. lol someone please empathise with me can? Perhaps, Im just lazy to wear pretty clothes out. Cos' with pretty outfit, my actions have to be pretty also. Hence, no big movements from me, no HAHAHA from me, no lame and random stuff from me. So as to say, ONLY POISELOOK is allowed. so difficult to maintain la!~~~ Its only appropriate of elaine to wear only shorts/jeans and tshirts. simple like that. and a backpack. :)

My year end resolution. (gonna carry forward to the next year)
1. still gonna get my fricking grade 3-5 for guitar
2. manage time well and start baking as and when or else the ingrdients' will be expired :( (vacation plans)
3. Learn at least 2 languages
4. be a better daughter, a better friend
5. WORK! go for internship. and SAVE LUI (vacation plans)
6. no more nonsense from me, and start chionging for exams! count down 3mths to prelim
7. abide by the diet rules
8. learn new skills; first aid, computer, etc and whatever 
So yup! Thats bout it! :) go elaine go!

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