Monday 3 October 2011

welcome to the white parade

the above title doesnt make any sense. hahha just like how it reflects the owner's of this blog- senseless.

Right, school's been okay for me so far and we are already in the second week of schooling! Still accumulating loads of questions throughout the whole week. Cos 1 lesson per week. And am gonna spam teachers with the various questions I have. hehehheheh

Yesterday was my Chengsan gathering. Pretty fun and enjoyable. Get to know more awesome people and kids. And, the games section that me and my friends were in charged of turned out rather great, better than I thought. opps. So... when I was on my way to the gathering place, on train, I had some weird, awkward, worst mrt encounter/experience. really. FIRST TIME. feeling, "shit, someone save me, i wanna get off this train already!!" yea, that kind. And plus, that time, I was having a high tide. what the hell.

By the way, I beginning to get irritated by Singapore's service e.g. Bus, Train, Postal. I guess you guys need not me to further elaborate on the Bus and Train cos those living in Singapore/you who live in Singapore might have already experience those, just to name a few, faulty train, irregular arrival timings of buses, wrong deduction of the transport fares, and with the ever increasing FTs or rather foreigners the transports are getting squeezier. And no, Im not complaining bout the incoming foreigners. The topic's still staying on track regarding the services in Singapore. Postal. Somewhat not experienced widely by the people unless you need to mail things frequently. And so, it happened that Im dumb enough to mail my registration fees via snail mail. Not exactly snail mail, cos Ive registered for Registered Mail like duh right? Cos there's important stuff in it. So, it provides me with the tracking function. Then, it took forever to reach UK, thats after a week. And its okay, cos I understand that it has go through packaging with other mails, then to travel a long distance, then break down into different regions i.e. the Post Office. But here comes the problem! I "gave" them a 2 weeks grace period to send the stuff to the place! 2 weeks hello? its like in singapore, you snail mail a package to your friend it'll take around 3-5 working days right? at most 5 days. Yes, I know, UK is wayyy larger, I believe in a larger state, they would have more post offices, more workers, more efficient right! Till now, the fuss I have is with UK, not singapore, thats what many of you who are still blur blur following my entry thought about, yes? Because of this waiting period that I cant take it anymore that I barged into the post office I frequent to enquire on the things. This worker said that he'll help me file an enquiry over to the UK side. I guess what he meant was, file an enquiry to ask the Singapore Post to help me ask the UK side. And I asked how long would it take for them to get back to me, 1 weeks- 2 weeks he said. "Oright, needa wait again," I thought. But who knows, the customer service got back to me within 3 days! or rather, 1 day only. Was so happy, then the person said, somewhat like this enquiry service only helps to track the mail in SINGAPORE, once it goes overseas, I have to PERSONALLY ASK THE OVERSEAS RESPECTIVE POST OFFICE FOR ENQUIRY. LIKE WHAT THE HELL. I paid for the registered mail, hoping they will get my mail SAFELY to the destination, london to be exact. Then, it is what happened?! Long delay that I dont even know if my mail is lost or delayed. and obviously, when I barged into the post office to ask about the status of my mail, I know my mail has reached UK, but its 2 weeks in UK already, I NEED TO KNOW WHERE THE HELL MY MAIL HAS GONE TO. Still on its way to london? or lost?

I dont pay this much to receive this kinda service. This worker obviously does not know what I want. And in the mail, the personnel did not provide me with any methods to contact the Royal Mail. So what now? I have tried checking ways to contact, but no, I have to call. Then, Ill need to pay additional for the overseas calling. like wtf right? IF ONLY I KNEW IT EARLIER, AND IF I WERE MORE DECISIVE I WONT HAVE TO DO THAT BANK DRAFT AND WASTED 10BUCKS, I WOULDNT HAVE SEND REGISTERED MAIL OVERSEAS NEITHER DID I KNOW IT WILL TAKE THIS 3 WEEKS LONG AND WASTED $3.30. Ending up, I might have to pay even more for the follow up. what the hell what the hell.

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