Monday 12 June 2017

Bangkok Travelogue: Just eat only

Day 5: Lotus Sutra Exhibition, Villa de Bear and Blue Whale Cafe

Locating the Soka Gakkai Thailand HQ wasn't easy; even with the use of the Grab app. But lucky we found out that the centre is located just beside an indoor soccer field, we just drop pin at the field and walk over.

During our stay in Bangkok, SGT is actually having the Lotus Sutra Exhibition from 3 May to 28 June. We headed over to the exhibition. Though exhibits are mainly in Thai, we had a FD English speaking guide!

The dunhuang mogao cave was done up amazingly beautiful.

 After which, we grabcar to the Villa de bear. It wasn't open when we went. See la, never do our research properly... So we waited awhile before the managers welcomed us to enter.

After having our lunch/dinner, we grabcar again to Blue Whale Cafe which is super near the Wat Pho temple with the big reclining Buddha.

To be honest, I don't think the taste of the food/drinks worth the price it is selling at. The toast is just normal bread and charred. The drink wise, at least the latte tasted better than the hot version. Probably we aren't familiar with the taste of the blue dye flower, we didn't like it.

Day 6: Wat Pho, Audrey Cafe and Bistro, Vanilla Bakeshop, Supanniga Eating Room

Good to be able to at least visit 1 of the cultural side of Thailand. Just take note that you will have to wear proper attire i.e. cover shoulder top, bottom over your knee cap, when you enter the sacred place of worship. You can wear shorts in the temple but not entering the worshipping area. But not to worry, the merchants are well prepared for tourists, there are a lot of mobile carts outside the temple selling long loose pants and scarves to cover up.

We went to Audrey Bistro after this. Ordered the Thai milk tea flavoured crepe! The taste was just nice, not too thick nor sweet. And reasonably priced too!

We walked from Audrey to Vanilla Bakeshop since it was just nearby. Wrong decision. We wanted to sort of walk and digest our food but guys, please just take a cab la... its not very near. And, the food sold at Vanilla Bakeshop is so damn expensive? Its more expensive than the usual rates in Singapore! Like normal eggs Benedict, they could charge like SGD25??? WHATTT???

What's worse, we opened our wallets to realise that we didn't bring out that kinda of money to support this expensive dinner. If spending so much here, we may not even have the money to cab back. Plus this place is really ulu at night.

Wonders happened when Haohao somehow pulled out a 1000baht from his wallet lol *phew* we didnt have our dinner here anyway cos I really felt that it is not worth it. So we just get a insta-worthy dessert at 350baht.

Haohao researched for an alternative place, and we grabcar to Supanniga Eating Room. Good choice! The food is yummy and reasonably priced! And lots of locals and foreigners.

We grabcar back to our hotel and do our last pack up before departing early next morning :)

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