Wednesday 5 February 2014

Horse year- DUA HUAT!


2014- Horse year was said to be a huat year for all goaties/sheepies! Have you ever seen 3 different kinds of luck i.e. Wealth, General Luck and Romance predicting the zodiac having great romance in the year? I have! And thats my zodiac, for this year! Much lol? Told my family that I may have so much romance that I nose bleed lol anyway jokes aside. Im gonna fully utilise the great luck I have this year!

Spent my January doing things like volunteering work and shopping for Chinese New Year goodies! yumyum~ I might be joining volunteer group! Cos doing volunteering is really good! It allows us to meet people who are richer than us. We learn from one and another. Ive seen some of them who seem to not have anything, yet they owned something thats much worthier than any of us have gotten! I want to expand my life. I want to train myself to be a compassionate person amid this working society. I hope I have the time and I hope I will make time for that.

Trip to Chinatown with my family!

Bakkwa at Bee Cheng Hiang! Too hard :/ So I prefer Lim Chee Guan's signature sliced pork which is softer but sometimes saltier :/

I think I grew so fat u know? tsk.

Chu 1! 31 Jan 2014 to my Mummy's brothers house!

My cousin. My Korean Boyfriend. hahahhahaha

Little Lion Girl

ayeeee look at them hahahhaha

Now the adult version of lion men!

Hahahaha my ootd of that day? with my uncle dressing up as a Cai Shen Ye! hahahahah whats with my face?!

And... the lou hei session!!!!


The next day! - Chu 2- 1 Feb 2014!

Left home earlier than my family to Senja for my duty- to give our rice packets!

Family portrait with our ootds! 

After Bai Nian at Senja Kaikan, we head over to my dad's sister house!

Another Lou Hei session!

CNY also a day when all the pets meet! hahahah

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