Thursday 12 December 2013

NTUC Carnival 2013

Attended the last NTUC carnival of the year on 1st December!

Activities include Carnival green strip attached to your wrist, Wild Wild Wet entrance ticket, Orchid Bowl ticket for 1 game each, Explorer Kids for children under 12 years old, and $3 F&B per person.

Goodie bag was given to each household, it contains 4 bottles of plain water, 2 detergent packets, 1 can drink, and a plastic fan.

So obviously, my family only went for the highlight Wild Wild wet and orchid bowl!

Before the event, we received a letter from NTUC to register for this event! There are around 4 days to select. i.e. choose one day which your family can attend. Shuttle Buses were provided from selected MRT Stations!

Nearer to 1st December, we received a confirmation letter!

A day before 1st December, PACKING OF BAGS!!! lol Do your research on Wild Wild Wet such as the recommended swim wear, price of lockers, price of food etc

- Wild wild wet allows swim suit i.e. normal swimming wear (Im not sure of wet suit though)
- you can wear tshirt and pants (No zips, button, metal, or Velcro)
- bikini should be allowed cos I saw a lot of ladies wearing them!
- You can make multiple entries per day. i.e. you can exit the WWW and enter again, just make sure you tell the guard to stamp a chop on your hand
- Locker costs 2bucks. Its one time usage i.e. once locked, and you kinda forgot to take things out and opened the locker, your 2bucks gone. To lock it once more, you have to insert another 2 dollars! So be sure to keep/take things out! And remember your locker number! And keep your key safe (there's a black band so you can tie on your hair or around your arm)!


My dad drove us there! We register at the registration counter which was filled with people, but the queue was pretty fast! We collected our goodie bag and tickets there!

After which, we had lunch at the Malay food court nearby, fully utilising the F&B coupon! Trying to kill time as its just 30mins before 1230pm when the Grand Draw takes place! Played at the carnival lol and headed over to the hall for the grand draw! chey as usual we were not selected. but, its exciting enough hahah

After the draw itself, it was raining super heavy!!! So all of us went to orchid bowl! And i believe the crowd had the same mentality as us, thus the heavy human flow towards Orchid Bowl at E!Hub...

- socks at 1.50 each (bring your own socks over!!)
- rental of bowling shoes at 1.50 each (share shoes!! though the counter lady didnt really like it)
- 1 game means 10 rounds each person. 1 round: you have 2 tries. In total, you should bowl minimun of 20 times and a maximum of 21 times (last round you get to roll 3 times if you "SPARE")
- The machine and your bowling lane is apparently opposite... i.e. your lane's machine is facing your neighbour's lane. You dont have to care about the machine. Just stick to your own lane.

We completed the whole bowling thing around 230pm... Wild Wild Wet next!

Quite few rides though... They have the Slide Up (slide down and up) next to a chalet, Ular-lah (family slide on a huge float), The Water Works (single ride), Torpedo (vertical fall and gradually a slide), Shiok River around the wet area (grab your float here! For free), Tsunami (which has super rough floor and I gained at least 3 bruises/injuries from that damn place =.=) and a few lame ones...

Changed into swimming outfit and locked up our stuff and there we go!


Went into the River to warm up/chill down, the river was pretty cold and packed with people! Got our float from a kid who didnt want his float (well... I overheard him saying that to his friend la)

Anyway, the River has a one direction current... so everyone will be walking/swimming/running/float in a anti-clockwise direction. Its quite hard for a person who go in a opposite direction...


Tsunami next! Waited a while for the wave to come and the degree of the wave increases! Not exactly a few floors high la, but the strongest wave is capable of making a person standing fall down to the ground and couldnt get up to his feet. By this time, sit firmly (I said FIRMLY) on your float to ride along the wave! One time, I tried sitting on the float when wave comes about and I... got pushed into the waters... yup into the waters with rough floor... and got injured on my back and elbow =.=

oh! the Tsunami is somewhat like a big pool! From shallow water, the further you go, it gets deeper around 2+metres?


Ular-lah with family is up on the list! Climbed up the stairs to the 3rd floor! Long queue but remember, its family ride of up to 6 pax! So... the queue is super fast! Anyway, up on the float and slide down! Enjoy the ride and scream! No water will splashed onto your face here. At the end point, water's shallow... I think the water depth is about cuff/thigh area? The float does not have safety belt, just make sure you grab onto the handle at all times during the slide!


Lastly, my bro and I went ahead with the Slide Up while my sister and parents went to wash up and swim in the River... Slide Up was freaking EXHILARTING OMG THE FALL WAS OMGGGGGGGGGGG. I screamed at my highest pitch and screamed the loudest from the fall that my parents and sis from afar heard me (they were watching) lolololol but damn shiok hahha

Washed up! And had our dinner at the food court beside WWW!

Christmas tree and Doraemon!

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