Thursday 31 January 2013


Life been good thus far!

Applied for Summer Trip and I cant wait for their reply. too anxious. so much of the anxiety hahahah pls let it be a success for me and my friend(s)! Stepping onto the mud of kimchi land must be surreal then. TILL THEN! Ill post updates on the application process, then everything up till Im back to SG! Yes. it means posting updates and photos in Korea as well! Hopefully la. if the ethernet cable and wifi works well ;P

I actually went for the Summer briefing in SIM. And they introduced us loads of good programs which I have not thought of and seen of before! Im keen in going Korea, but no other program cept' Summer Abroad offers that... so... ugh

But if I do apply for another one, perhaps the period after my exams and before my exchange program in Korea, it will be Global immersion in Finland and Spain... But thats a whopping 4.5k!! PRICEY YES!!! excluding own expenses. meals included.

Or maybe... after summer program in August, an internship overseas say, China. and that costs 2k NETT. But might as well intern in SG right? lol so thats out.

Next! Life after studies...
hmm ive gave much thoughts to it. so prolly ill start with registering for a Master program, scholarship that is. BUT, my results for year1 and 2 arent fantastic you see... so... hopefully they do look at my year 3 results and if they do, my results better be of excellence. Already aiming for all A. If not, 3 A and 1 B :)
Thats my Plan C as posted in FB and Twitter.

So wat bout Plan A and B? Plan A is just working full time at good firms if not SME is fine. Plan B is then internship at some good good companies i.e. Public or Private. Soon be applying. need to get my ass on it!

Choices after Choices. Best is that I can have best of both worlds hahahha! Summer Abroad and Master! and EXCELLENCE RESULTS!

After being accepted into SKKU for Summer School, Ill then post more info on it! Including the expenses and itinerary which Ive planned like a few months ago. HAHAHHAHA yes i do plan things way way way ahead.

and before I end. I TOP MY CLASS FOR LAST MICRO TEST! HAHAHHAHAAHHAHAAH 98.5% HUAT AH time to keep my proudness (proud to have done good), and back to the humbleness :)

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