Tuesday 11 September 2012

You don't really get Encore in your life

Past few weeks had been fun and happening. Kicked off my September with the first week being busied bee-ed with ACT Encore. And that definitely, is a will-not-ever-forgot-good-good experience :) And Im glad I stuck and stayed on.

Will post a proper post on my feelings and bring-backs of the show and the journey soon! :) And so, 8 Sept came too quickly that I have mixed feelings of finishing and hoping it wont come too soon. But, yea everything has to come to an end, whether bad or good la.

Start of the show, attendance ain't too good prolly cos we didn't really focus on the reach-out. ok, our bad. Truthfully, I was hoping that all of the people involved not be affected by the attendance, then I thought of what Sensei said (somewhat along the line) that as long as there are people, he will go to that country to propagate. aptly fitted into this situation, I told my comrade, as long as there are people watching, no matter how many or how little it might be, they are here to bring something home. we have the responsibility to put in our best to touch every single one of them's heart.

Yes, it seems like the phrase I told to my one comrade has been heard by all the casts and all the other comrades. I guess, this is the power of daimoku. That, this encore was an even touching/sincerity filled display. seriously. I'm already holding back my tears of joy. All of us are not professionals. yet, on the faithful day, a great show was performed due to the spirit and the ichinen of everyone getting aligned after putting in vibrant daimoku. This is what I say, the itaidoshin spirit. (Many in body, one in mind)

Before I continue writing on and on without taking a look at the time... Here are 2 photos.

The hall before the show. Haze machine's on, backstage crew trying out the Earthquake Scene. And yes, that scene is the most tears-inducing segment.

tada my tag. I'm not being arrogant or what (that's what I would like to clarify to my friends who seem to think I am =.=), I'm just being proud of what I'm doing. So, respect please.

After the show, I then rushed down to Soo Min's birthday party at her home! :)

kthxbye! That's all lol

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