Thursday 14 February 2013

2013 huat ah!

2013 marks the end of my 18 years of education. And so, it marks the start of my working life.

2013 marks the year where i am going to first take flight overseas. yay to bkk! mostly sightseeing :)

2013 marks the year where I will be going Korea for an exchange! for a month! To learn how to live independently... I am already learning to wash the dishes and do household chores. heh been too lazy for the past few years...

2013 marks the year where I will be going to 2 countries. no big deal to some, but it definitely is a milestone to me.

2013 marks the year when I participate in NDP as a trainer for the first time.

2013 is exciting. and very happening. but for now, prelims and final exams! in 2 weeks and 3 months time. CHIONG AH!


a lot of different kinds of people. Met some nice ones and those immature and yet tries to retort ones. But before I pinpoint others, I should improve on myself. that, nonetheless, is one impt life lesson learnt.

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