Wednesday 19 December 2012

Day 13- Three confessions of your choice

1. IM BELOW 50KG and thats fo real! Friends kept thinking that Im at least a 50kg pffff ok fine i look fat but seriously i was never over 50kg or even accurately 50kg for more than 3 times. Yes i confess that i did exceed that mark but thats when exams are round the corner and during december/january cos... 2 festive seasons ma! I have loads of body fats and light bones i guess... never really drink milk it sucks. i mean, milk sucks, which comes to the 2nd point.

2. milk. yes. I DETEST DRINKING MILK OR CHEESE. it has been with me from 2 years old? or maybe even earlier... surprisingly, my younger sister loves it like gem lol. Despite me not really liking milk, cos Im older now, I can at least tolerate that smell and to gulp down those chocolate flavoured HL or Marigold milk sllllooooowwwwwwllllyyyyyyy. And! I eat cheesecake. NOT THOSE PLAIN CHEESECAKE OR THOSE 100% CHEESECAKE i cant for goodness sake. I like those berries cheesecake.

3. I love to shit. but not diarrhoea.

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