Sunday 27 November 2011

Love love love

Joining Chingay, being district Leader, taking up challenging roles aint a bad move. Like what said, defining challenges and problems, both is only separated by a thin fine line. Yes, and a little bit of being optimistic. But, optimistic people won't always look at the bright side of life when real bad thing strikes. Optimistic people, when facing problems will just "aiya, never mind one la" but i tell you, deep down in their hearts they confirm plus chop cursing like hell.

hah, so, I inspire to be a more sincere person :) And i feel that taking up challenges and polishing yourself is a concurrent effort. Not that you have to be a good person with good time management, know how to balance and juggle with work and family, with good relationship with people, before you could take up any challenging tasks. no no. If thats the case, then, you will never soon to be good in any aspects. Ask me whats the short cut to happiness? Challenges. And whats the short cut to overcoming challenges? No short cut. cos' short cut is what people in singapore are gradually doing, not all, just the minority, but there's an increasing trend. you have to be strong. you have to have someone there to guide you along to give you the sense of direction when you've missed it.

Aside these strict stuffs....

Yes, and you wonder why the hell elaine puts up this photo?!

 I totally can feel that Im secretly wanting to get married. really! hahha not the marriage that entices me, its the wedding itself in face :P its interesting! Ugh, must be the wedding shots going around in Facebook. They have super pretty wedding photos! Cant take it ughh

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